Year 4
Year 4 have been making fantastic progress this half term! They particularly shone during their music concert, where the children showcased their progress with playing the guitar, glockenspiel, trumpet and clarinet
Super Scientists!
On Thursday 17th November, the Year 4 children were incredibly lucky to be visited by student teachers from the University of Southampton, who planned and delivered fun, creative hands-on workshops themed around sound and electricity. There were opportunities to explore electrical equipment to create different circuits, as well as using different instruments to experiment with pitch. The buzz and wonder in the room was wonderful to see as the children recognised their own successes!
My Brother is a Superhero!
David Solomons' book has been our focus for this half term as the Year 4 children have transformed into budding writers! Beginning with sequencing the events of the 227 bus and referring to the five pillars of recount writing (who, what, where, when and why), there has been careful application of fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and strong adjectives to name a few features! We can't wait to read their final pieces!
Marvellous Maths
The children have been comparing efficiency of subtraction problems between using number lines and formal methods such as column subtraction. Key language, such as 'exchanging' and 'finding the difference', is being used confidently within the classrooms when children are explaining how to subtract. Factor rainbows, factor bugs and interesting rhymes have been particularly effective in supporting the children with their every improving times tables knowledge!
"Wakey Wakey, rise and shine! 7 x 7 is 49!" Isla
"I ate and I ate until I was sick on the floor, 8 x 8 is 64!" Archie
Revolting Romans
The Year 4 children have made careful inferences about the impact and legacy that the Romans made in Britain by exploring sources. A standout lesson was centered around the Roman and Celtic conflict where we unpicked Boudicca as a significant female figure in History! This allowed us to make prior links to Grace Darling and Florence Nightingale from our previous learning.