Year 3 blog
Think of the most revolting, devious trick you can... we bet Year 3's tricks can beat that!
In our writing lessons, we have loved reading Roald Dahl's 'The Twits'! We have explored different examples of devious characters, such as Cruella De Vil, to support our understanding of how to portray a villainous character. We also visited a 'trick shop' in the hall where we explored many sneaky pranks which inspired our own.
Marvellous Mathmagicians
So far this term, we have been practising using formal written methods for addition and subtraction. We have enjoyed having lots of opportunities to use concrete resources to support our understanding before eventually progressing to presenting these using the column method. We have shown incredible resilience, particularly when using column subtraction to exchange! Our teachers are very, very proud!
Humble Historians
This term, we have delved deep into Walter Tull's life and applied this to our understanding of memorable historical characters. We firmly believe that Walter Tull is significant in history as a result of our interpretation of different sources and understanding of the world today. Tull was one of the first black footballers to play professional football in the UK and also one of the first black officers in the British Army in World War 1. Year 3 have loved exploring these key moments of the past!
The Year 3 team are so proud of the children's love of learning!