Year 5 blog

A successful Monarch?

In History, we have been learning about Queen Elizabeth I. We have explored different sources and paintings of her and considered the intent of the artist along with our own impressions. In addition, we have discussed the causes of why King Philip II proposed an attack on England and why the Spanish Armada failed. The children have been very engaged and excited in learning the history behind the Tudors. Our overall focus for this unit has been directed at forming an opinion as to whether or not Queen Elizabeth I was a successful monarch. 

Sam H - "I have enjoyed this unit because it has been interesting to learn about the battle and hard problems that Queen Elizabeth I faced when she came to the throne."

Hazel - "I found it interesting when learning about the battle tactics and different ship types used by the Spanish and English. I also enjoyed learning about the causes of the Spanish Armada's attack on England."

Solar System Exploration

During our science lessons our focus has been on Space and the Solar System. We have been busy researching and acting out different celestial processes. This included the relationship between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth along with how they interact with each other. Some famous scientists we have learnt about this half term include Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo.  We have also taken part in a debate discussing if the Earth is flat or spherical. It's been out of this world! 

Chloe P - "What I've enjoyed learning about is the recent technology (lunar orbiter) and how it helps us identify gravitational forces. Also, I was fascinated by how it functions".

Chloe H - "I've enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon because it's interesting to know how long it takes for the moon to complete one whole cycle".

Marvellous Maths

In maths, we have been learning about marvellous multiples and fabulous factors. The children have been busy deepening their understanding about what each of these are and applying their knowledge through a range of different activities. We have also been working on strengthening our problem solving skills in multi-step problems. In addition, the children have consolidated their previous learning through a variety of different starter and target activities including fractions and negative numbers. 

Josh - 'I enjoyed maths because it is more challenging than year 4 and we have been using different skills.'

Dougie - 'Learning the column method has been very interesting because I have seen how it can be used for a variety of different operations.' 

Arujan - I have enjoyed problem solving because it has allowed me to reflect on and evaluate my skills and strategies.' 


Year R blog - Merry Christmas!


Year 4