Scroll below to explore our curriculum and dive straight into our world.

Curriculum Intent:

How to keep up to date:
Click here to visit our Learning Blog for regular updates and posts. Posts will include highlights from all school activity including what we are learning, examples of our work, updates from our school council and much more.

Early Reading:
Our school uses our very own, bespoke phonics programme that has been fully validated by the Department for Education. Written in house, by practitioners, for practitioners, Pip and Pap Phonics is a full systematic, synthetic phonics programme, accompanied by 119 decodable phonics books that are fully aligned to the programme.
Pupils absolutely love the thematic nature of the scheme, full of aliens from the Planet "Pip and Pap" world, who get up to many adventures!
You can find out more about the progression of our scheme within the below attachment.
For more information, or to find supporting resources, visit pipandpap.com/familyhub, or pipandpapshop.co.uk.
Additionally, we have a dedicated YouTube channel where you can find a range of accompanying videos to support with learning grapheme-phoneme correspondences.
Key Texts and Books Used At Our School:
Please see the attached document that outlines the books and texts used within each year group at our school, selected to promote Reading for Pleasure and to learn more about our wider world. These include our 'Class Share' books, read as part of our daily story time and literacy lessons; texts to promote cultural capital that enable our children to learn more about the world and enrich our pupils' experiences, as well as non-fiction and poetry texts that further enhance our curriculum.
Additionally, this document outlines books, texts and stories that link to key threads within our curriculum, including themes of Ecology, Sanctuary, Empowerment, Cultures across the World, local, national and international History and of course, traditional texts and well known stories.
If you have any questions or queries regarding the books we use in each year group, please do not hesitate to ask your child's class teacher.


Pip and Pap Phonics Family Hub:
Pip and Pap Phonics is not just for school, but also for families to explore at home. We have a designated Family Hub page full of resources videos, activities, songs and more.
Click Here to Access

Useful Links:
Ten Minutes a Day Could Change Everything