Year R
Welcome back! After completing our first half term of school in Year R, the children are really flourishing in their new environment. We have been able to build new friendships and nurture our old ones. We have learned our school rules and how to be ready, respectful and safe!
This term we are learning about special celebrations! We will be finding out all about at Diwali and Christmas.
In phonics we are learning the orange phase sounds with the cool alien friends Pip and Pap. By the end of this term we will start to meet the pink phase sounds too!
This term in writing we are embedding our writing rules, importantly how to sit in our chairs and hold our pencils. We have already explored the topics all about me, experimented with speech bubbles and been inspired by superheroes! During our first week back we made lists for our Diwali party.
In maths we are looking at a number a day. We started at 0 and will work our way to 10! We can look, say, write, make the number, find 1 more and 1 less and find where it belongs on the number line.
Understanding the World & Expressive Arts and Design:
We have been developing our cultural awareness by exploring Diwali! We have made a Diwali house, Diva lamps, Rangoli art and explored the dress up area!
In Busy Bee we have been investigating all our new areas to play in. We have had so much fun delving into in the explorers tent and testing different materials to make the Diva lamps. As well as sorting, posting and writing in the post office.