School Council:

School Council Summit

Last week, the Y6 School Councillors made their teachers very proud with the confident and eloquent way they presented their findings when they attended the School Council Summit. First of all, we were visited by a guest speaker from Southampton City Catering who explained to us how much thought and care goes into every single lunch choice to make sure it is nutritionally balanced for the children.  The children then carried out some research on the pros and cons of packed lunches and school lunches and found out some things that challenged their previous thinking!

This research informed their action plans on what they wanted their school to do even better, who they needed to share their research with, what they wanted to implement and how this will link in with our overarching aim to be architects of a better world.  The School Council will be looking forward to sharing their findings with key stakeholders in their schools and further developing their action plans. It was wonderful to see our School Councillors leave feeling motivated and inspired to make a difference to their school.


Reading Ambassadors:


Year R