Year 5 blog
During science we have been busy diving with dolphins, travelling with turtles, slithering with salamanders and flying with falcons. Welcome to Year 5s edition of 'Deadly 60' where we became the next Steve Backshall. We took to the skies, seas and land to explore and compare the life cycles of different amazing animals from across the globe. Did you know most species of crocodiles are attentive parents, who care for their young after they hatch? Not only have we been learning about animals, we have also been investigating the fascinating life cycles of different species of plants.
English has been an exciting expedition. We’ve been using a variety of figurative language to immerse the reader in an action narrative based on the book, 'Way of the Wolf' by Bear Grylls . Heart skipping, jaw dropping and pulse racing, our writing has been action packed and full of adventure. Our character, Beck, has faced many dangerous obstacles that he has had to overcome including: raging rivers, rumbling avalanches and horrifying predators.
To find out about what the children will be learning over the next three weeks, please use these links to the curriculum pages on our website: