Year 4 blog
Last half term, year 4 were very busy!
Last half term, Year 4 jumped aboard their longships to sail across a fantastic half term all about The Vikings! Have you ever noticed the statue of Alfred the Great when visiting Winchester? Year 4 now have a super knowledge all about Alfred's role during the Viking period of history and why he earned his title! A standout lesson was our comparison of Viking women throughout history. Did Shield Maidens exist? Year 4 have formed some fantastic opinions based on archaeological evidence!
Testing.. testing.. are you ready to hear about our sound topic? The children created scientific models detailing the inner workings of the ear. We now have a greater knowledge surrounding vibrations, sound waves and pitch! This has linked nicely to our music lessons as we excitedly prepare for our upcoming concert this half term! Please remember to add this date to your diaries!
To find out about what the children will be learning over the next three weeks, please use these links to the curriculum pages on our website: