Year 6
History - A long, long, long time ago.
In History, Year 6 have been delving into the world of Ancient Civilisations. Initially, we analysed timelines and discovered exactly how long ago some of these civilisations existed (over 7000 years ago for some!). Once we understood just how ancient was ancient, we began to explore a variety of sources in order to infer as much about these groups of people as we could. Where did they live? Why did they live there? What kind of lives did they lead? This week, our learning will move on to evaluating these sources further and deciding just how reliable each of them are.
Fiver Challenge
Year 6 have been getting very excited about this year's Fiver Challenge, establishing ground-breaking new ventures ready for the business world! From profitable products to bold brands to marvellous marketing, just how far can we take our £5?
Look out for our stalls, soon to be hitting the playground at the end of the school days.