Year 5
In Science, the children have been using their previous knowledge about sound to aid them in planning a fair experiment. Getting ready for festival season, year 5 has been set the challenge of determining where the safest place is to pitch their festival tent, considering the consequences if exposed to loud noises. Did you know that if you expose your ears to sounds over 80 decibels you can cause damage to your cilia? The children have really enjoyed becoming scientists and discussing the variables needed for the experiment. Each class went outside on the playground and measured the decibels for different distances. It doesn't stop there! - Over the next few weeks, we will be investigating further the effects of sound and which materials are best for sound-proofing.
We have also been excited to plan and start selling our fiver challenge products! The children have been busy making resources needed for the challenge.
Don't forget to visit our stalls each week to buy our amazing products!