School of Sanctuary blog:

This term, the Sanctuary Ambassadors have been very busy! We have been working on welcome books for each year group. The children have made different pages and we have taken photos of the school. Now we need to make them into a real book! 

We have also been working on our Sanctuary assembly, so we can teach everyone more about it and why it is important. We have completed research around which countries are considered 'Countries of Sanctuary' and which cities are 'Cities of Sanctuary'. Southampton is a City of Sanctuary and we are a proud School of Sanctuary. 

From this research, the ambassadors have found a local sanctuary charity and we have explored what we can do to help. The children have explained to Miss Firman what the charity is and how we can help and have also addressed the school council leaders, in the hope we can make it one of the charities our school donates to this year. As a team, we have made posters and written letters in preparation. Wish us luck in the vote! 


Year 6 blog:


Year 3 blog: