Year 5 blog:
This morning, the children put their map-reading and compass skills to the test during an exciting orienteering session. They learned how to navigate by using a map and compass to find markers dotted around the woods, each displaying a letter representing one of the instructors. Some markers were incredibly tricky to find, but the children thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of searching through the trees.
To wrap up, we turned up the fun with a friendly competition! The children split into two teams, a time limit was set and they raced against each other to sprint to the markers and back, earning points along the way. It was an adrenaline-fuelled challenge, full of excitement and laughter, with everyone racing their hardest and working together to win.
Buoyancy aids on and paddles ready! This morning, we jumped straight into our canoes and set off across the water. Teamwork, communication and a fair bit of coordination was required to organise ourselves and get ourselves moving in the right direction. We’ve played a variety of games including capture the flag (or duck in this instance) and “Chocolate Cake Tag”.
Team Building Games
Teamwork and non-verbal communication skills were certainly put to the test this morning when we took part in the Gutterball Challenge. Our aim was to get a golf ball from one side of the field to the other with just a few gutter pipes. With no verbal communication allowed, it took us several attempts but we got there in the end. It is certainly harder than you think! We were then split into two teams and challenged to a game of Cross the River. Both teams worked incredibly well together, ensuring they were listening and communicating with each other effectively. Both teams successfully won a game each!