Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Following a short minibus ride from the Southampton Wood Recycling Project,, 12 pallets otherwise destined for possible landfill made their way to our school to be transformed into a ‘3 bay composter’. Five of our ECO Warriors and two keen environmentalists worked as a team to problem solve, measure, choose appropriate tools and use them confidently to create their Reused and Recycled masterpiece! They also prepared and planted a ‘Tree Nursery’ using the hazel, willow, apple and rowan saplings provided by Tree Appeal an organisation that specialises in providing free trees to be planted mainly in schools.
Here are the proud quotes after their achievements:
Isabel (heroic problem solver) - “I loved helping to plant new plants and just helping the school environment.”
Lewis (heroic organiser) - “I enjoyed doing the watering of the new trees and getting the plastic out of the soil before we planted them.”
Josiah (heroic at spatial awareness) - “We got some recycled wooden pallets and recycled screws, screwed them together and made box-like areas. The next day, we got the old, unused fruit and brought it down in cardboard boxes. We poured all the fruit in and ripped up the cardboard to put in as well. They should all be biodegradable.”
Sophie (heroic waterer) - “I enjoyed looking for the creatures in the soil, especially the earth worms. I also really enjoyed watering the mini trees.”
Ethan (heroic worm handler) - “I enjoyed watering and planting the trees. I also liked clearing up the plastic from the soil.”
George (heroic cardboard shredder) - “I enjoyed being outside to help the ecosystem by making a composter to fertilise plants and ripping up the cardboard was fun too!”
Henry (heroic tool operator) - “I enjoyed using the screwdriver to screw it together and ripping up the cardboard to put in our compost bay. This will eventually biodegrade into a compost for plants to grow in.”