Year 6
Year 6 have launched themselves into Autumn 2 with heaps of enthusiasm, excitement and determination towards their learning.
Our classes have immersed themselves into the fascinating topic of fractions, decimals and percentages in maths. This is a highly valuable element of our curriculum and is a life skill that will be used regularly.
In writing, everybody was thrilled to learn of our new topic - Be the Best! Over the next few weeks, we will delve into rich and inspiring texts (such as You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and You Are a Champion by Marcus Rashford) in order to produce our own motivational guide. These will be brimming with key concepts such as resilience, perseverance and GRIT.
The good news keeps on coming for Year 6 as we are continuing our learning about World War Two throughout History and Art this half term. Whilst exploring key events, such as D-Day and the end of the war, we will begin to consider the impact on key social groups such as women and children. We very much look forward to producing some outstanding outcomes!