Year 1 blog
Wow, we've done so much since the last time we spoke to you and it has been a busy half term filled with hard work. The children have continued to show their tremendous knowledge and it has been fantastic.
Winding, sliding and spinning around and, the children have not been dancing! They have been creating their own working mechanisms in Design Technology. The children have been using recycled materials to create their own toy, which functions using a mechanism. This could be a pop up book, a rotating toy or a toy which you pull and push. The children have learnt all about these different mechanisms and have practised creating them before designing our final piece of work. These toys will be the next biggest must have item so make sure you grab yours quickly as these awesome new toys will be flying off the shelf in no time.
Are you a penguin professor? Do you know everything about our feathered friends? Are you a wizard for the waddling wonders? Well, the Year 1 children are! We have been collecting all our knowledge on penguins in our writing and we have all designed a fact file to pass our knowledge onto you! These include fantastic pieces of information from our Year 1 experts and using their understanding of informative books so that they can present it for your reading pleasure. Our team has been researching over the whole of the last term so you can trust our facts have been checked and are 100% accurate. P-p-p-perfect.
From the cold of Antarctica to the scorching temperatures of the equator. The children have been studying a different country and learning about the similarities and differences in culture between the UK and Kenya. The children have looked at the change in climate between the two countries as well as what we should pack if we were to travel to a different continent. We focused on the Masai tribe and looked at their lifestyle, as well as diving deeper into understanding the meaning of the colour of their clothes. Using this understanding, we created our own necklaces to showcase our true colours and explained our choices.
The learning has been phenomenal from last term and we can't wait to tell you more about what we will be looking at in the future when we will be following in the tiny footsteps of a mouse in the deep, dark woods.