Year 4
What a year it has been in Year 4! It seems so long ago that the children came in enthusiastically to create a tension filled paragraph about Miss Trunchbull to now creating their own twisted version of a fairy tale. A range of skills, such as show me, don’t tell me, fronted adverbials and powerful verbs have been used by the children to create an engaging and exciting storyline. We are so proud of the progress and creativity shown in their writing. In maths, the children have all made huge strides in their times tables- they have used rhymes, patterns and constant practice to become masters of this skill. We know these skills will stay with them for life and provide a great foundation to their year 5 maths learning and beyond.
We have been exploring what it means to be a geographer this half term. Comparing and contrasting, using maps and describing cause and effect are key skills. Using this, we looked at how Dubai turns its vast source of salty seawater into drinkable water to create a sustainable and desirable place to live, work and visit. In contrast, we explored the initiative shown by a range of less economically developed countries to create systems to sanitise water. Replacing financial strength with creativity and initiative was needed for these people to design Tippy Taps, Rainwater Harvesting Jars and Chlorination treatments (to name a few). We loved learning about this!
Being a great scientist is also important to us. We observed how rain could be created indoors, predicted what the weight of air could be and experimented with different ways of presenting our results. These are skills we know the children can transfer to a range of other subjects and their own lives.
DT has been very exciting this half term as we researched and then designed our own bug houses. Materials were purposely chosen to attract a range of insects and careful consideration was made to ensure they were constructed in a way that could battle the elements and keep the bugs safe. Please let us know what inhabitants take refuge in these over the summer holidays!
We are so proud of all that the children have achieved this year. We are both sad to say goodbye but excited to hear about how our year 4 superstars continue to grow and develop in year 5.