Jo Clarke - Author Visit
We had a very special visitor at Bitterne Park Primary today, none other than Jo Clarke - author of the detective series "The Travelling School Mysteries!" Her books are set in a school that travels the world!
Jo told us all about her books, "Libby and the Parisian Puzzle" and "Libby and the Highland Heist" which we have been reading in school! Each class in Key Stage 2 has a copy of the book and it can also be found in our school library!
Jo explained that she is a librarian in a primary school and what an important role this is, and why school libraries are so important. We are very lucky to have such a well stocked library at Bitterne Park and our fantastic Mrs Whettingsteel who helps to look after it.
Jo told us that she had many rejections on the way to publication, but she kept persevering and showing a great growth mindset, leading her to be offered an agent and a publisher in the same week! She explained how the editing process is so important when writing a book - this is something we do on our writing journey too.
She shared that she loved the books Malory Towers and the Famous Five growing up and that detectives, mystery stories and boarding school stories were her favourite. She wanted to add a twist in her books, allowing children to explore the world through literature, hence her books are set in Paris, Scotland and now Manhattan!
Jo shared that it is very important to do your research when using a real setting in a book - so she had to visit Paris lots to research the city! When writing Libby and the Highland Heist, she had a trip aboard the Caledonian sleeper! What a great idea, to combine a trip with research! Jo also talked about the role her illustrator plays in the production of her books. She showed images of how her illustrations of the title character Libby were refined and changed, and also how the front cover was adapted following her feedback.
Finally, Jo shared her tips on how to write an amazing 'heist' story! She very kindly signed copies of her books for pupils too.
Thank you so much Jo for a fabulous visit - we are all feeling very inspired as both authors and illustrators, and we very much love your books!