Year 1
It may have been a short week in Year 1 but it sure has been one to remember. I have a feeling this week might be going down in history for the princes and princesses of Bitterne Park.
Coronation craze!
This week, Year 1 have been busy preparing for the long awaited Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and, even though our invitations to Buckingham Palace seem to have been delayed, the children have been getting everything set up for a range of royal activities including a wide-range of games, arts and crafts to celebrate the crowning of the monarch. Alongside this, we also indulged in a Royal banquet fit for a king. Year 1 want to send their best wishes to the new king and his future endeavours.
Tree-mendous learning.
In science, the children have been em-BARK-ing on a new topic. It didn't take them long to BRANCH out and learn about the features of the trees. We have completed a range of tasks already, including leaf printing and tree rubbing and it turns out we have done quite OAK-ay at understanding that all trees are YEW-nique feature. However, we did not LEAVE things there as this week we continued to identify trees through the features of a range of leaves. The children have shown how deep-ROOTed their learning is.
Busy beans!
Last week, the children continued to be potty about planting as we were able to go to the sensory garden and plant some broad beans. We didn't stop there though. To encourage the weather to get a bit brighter and add some sunny colours to the garden, we planted sunflowers along the fence of the garden. We have our green fingers crossed that we will see some results soon.
As you can see we have been royally busy and, like King Charles himself, the work doesn't stop there. We would like to encourage you to continue to read at home and maintain a focus on phonics.