Year 1 blog:

The summer term is bringing all sorts of exciting learning to Year 1. From science, where we have been looking at trees and flowers (a great time of year for it!) to History, where we have explored the features of castles, the children have been immersed in their learning! The children are beginning to appreciate what castles were for and their learning will culminate in an amazing model castle built in DT.  They will use their previously learnt joining techniques, along with their cutting skills, to create their structures, which may even incorporate a moving drawbridge!

In Maths, the children have been enjoying multiplication and division so far and many children have liked showing off their times tables skills! Well done Year 1! We have made gorgeous counting caterpillars which now adorn our walls, some counting in 2s, others in 5s, or even 3s and 4s!


Year 2 blog:


Year R