Year 1 Update.

It may be the start of a new academic year but already our Year 1 children have been so working hard and have already made a great start to learning in Year 1, enjoying many new learning opportunities and challenges!

We've been tightening our boots, fixing our hats and raising our sails as we have become pirates! In order to try to win a competition set by the pirate crew, we have explored different items of pirate clothing and we have loved brandishing our (plastic!) swords and cutlasses! Following this immersive experience, we have come up with descriptive words we can use when we are writing our contest applications with the hope to be the best pirate to sail across the seven seas! Fingers crossed there may be some treasure as a reward!

In Geography, linked to exploring and using pirate maps, we have started to look at the different features in and around our school playground. To begin our learning, we explored what a map is and investigated a range of different maps to explore their similarities and differences. We have learnt that maps can help us to find where we are, they are able to support us if we are lost and if we are lucky they might even help us find buried treasure!

This week, we have also enjoyed being very creative in our RE topic of Creation. Using playdough, lego blocks and musical instruments, as well as drawing with pencils and pens, we explored how we can be architects, musicians and artists to create exciting pieces. Through this exploration, we have been able to understand that creation is when something new is formed and we are now ready to use this knowledge to help with understanding different creation stories later in the half term.


Year 2 reading…


Year R’s Garden.