Year 2
Do you know the difference between a 2D and 3D shape?
Well, Year 2 can tell you all about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Why don't you ask them how many vertices a cuboid has or how many sides a circle has? They will wow you with their mathematical expertise! If you want to challenge your children at home, how many shapes can they spot around the house or out and about in Southampton?
On your marks....get set....COLLAGE!
This week we will be starting our new art topic and learn all about the well-known artist Henri Matisse. Building on their understanding of collage from art week, the children will recap some of the techniques we learnt in preparation for creating their own minibeast at the end of term! We can't wait to see their final outcomes at the end of term.
Come along to our Work Expo at the end of summer term to see all the children's hard work!